Investor FAQs
How can I contact Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation Investor Relations?
Marriott Vacations Worldwide Investor Relations
7812 Palm Parkway
Orlando, FL 32836
7812 Palm Parkway
Orlando, FL 32836
When will earnings be announced and how can I access the webcast?
When a date for the quarterly results release has been established, it will be announced in a news release and will be listed under the Press Releases section within the investor relations area of our website.
Quarterly earnings webcast information will be included in the Press Release and in the Events & Presentations section of our IR website.
What is Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation’s ticker symbol and CUSIP number?
The ticker symbol of Marriott Vacation Worldwide Corporation is VAC. Its CUSIP number is 571-64Y-107. The stock trades on The New York Stock Exchange.
Where is Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation headquartered?
7812 Palm Parkway
Orlando, FL 32836
Orlando, FL 32836
Who is Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporations’ transfer agent?
Computershare can assist shareholders of record with questions regarding stock transfers, dividend payments, address changes, lost stock certificates, and other matters.
P.O. Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078
866-429-5244 (toll free) 201-680-6578
How can I get Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation’s financial documents?
Our annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K, and amendments to those reports, as filed or furnished with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), are available on our website under Financial Information, free of charge, or as soon as reasonably practicable after the electronic filing of these reports with the SEC. We do not mail or otherwise provide printed copies of these materials except as may be required pursuant to the rules adopted by the SEC.
Do shareholders receive special pricing at any of its resorts?
The Marriot Vacations Worldwide Corporation does not offer special pricing for shareholders.
How do I get onto your email distribution list?
Can I buy or sell Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation stock through the company?
We do not offer a dividend reinvestment program (“DRIP”) or a direct stock purchase plan. Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation common stock can be acquired through a broker and is listed on The New York Stock Exchange. This communication does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities of Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation.
Is Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation owned by Marriott International?
No, Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation was spun off from Marriott International on November 21, 2011. Shareholders received one share of Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation for every ten Marriott International shares owned. Fractional share value was paid in cash.
Who do I contact about selling the Marriott Vacation Worldwide Corporation’s stock that I received from the 2011 spin-off?
Marriott Vacation Worldwide Corporation’s stock is listed on The New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “VAC”. If you wish to sell VAC shares that you currently own, please contact your personal financial advisor or stockbroker. This communication does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities of Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation.
What analysts currently cover the company?
Analyst coverage can be found here
Who is the company’s independent auditor?
Ernst & Young, LLP
Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida
I owned shares in ILG. What happened to my shares?
Please see ILG Acquisition and Historical Information page